About Melody
Overcoming Challenges
Born on the picturesque Central Coast, I have always had a zest for life, healthy living, and helping others. With a long history of outdoor activities, I consider myself a bit of a thrill-seeker, always looking for new challenges. Little did I know I was about to face one of the biggest challenges of my life, with the sudden loss of both my husband and father to cancer.
The Gym Became My Emotional Outlet
Every morning at 3:00 a.m. I managed to drag myself and my misery out of bed to prepare my meals and make it to the gym by 5:00 a.m., afterwards feeling confident I could make it through the day.
Sweating was healing my broken heart.
Someone approached me during this time commenting that I was looking great, and suggested I consider entering a bodybuilding competition. I was trying to exhaust myself, get through the grief, and had never thought of going any further than that. That very same day I returned home and booked my first competition.
Twelve Weeks Later I Walked Off Stage With a First Place Win!
I continued to compete and during that time started helping friends lose weight, seeing amazing results. Word of mouth got out, and before I knew it, I was helping more and more people; some of whom were able to get off their medications through the help of changing their diet.
I thought if I could teach others a healthy, sustainable way of eating, maybe I could help them prolong their life...
From this, my business Macronazi was created!
Are you ready to become the best version of yourself?